Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Skateboarding in Southport

Sunday morning started off as the usual lazy morning with a lie in followed by breakfast on the sofa, reading the newspapers and watching a cookery show. We didn't really have any plans and were struggling with what to do with ourselves, we could have gone to Liverpool or Manchester for a wander and something to eat but as we are trying to save money at the moment we decided on a drive to Southport for a walk along the pier and a bit of skateboarding. Jamie used to skateboard loads when he was growing up but hadn't done it in a while and the first and last time I did it was last summer in Newquay. We soon got the hang of it and had so much fun skating down the pier and through the parks. Even though it was terribly windy we had a great day and Jamie got to show off doing some tricks.

A lot of people think that once you get to a certain age you have to start behaving like an adult and give up childhood hobbies, for example skateboarding, I disagree strongly with this view and believe that if you really love something you should continue to pursue it! Now go and grab your boards! :D

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