Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Skateboarding in Southport

Sunday morning started off as the usual lazy morning with a lie in followed by breakfast on the sofa, reading the newspapers and watching a cookery show. We didn't really have any plans and were struggling with what to do with ourselves, we could have gone to Liverpool or Manchester for a wander and something to eat but as we are trying to save money at the moment we decided on a drive to Southport for a walk along the pier and a bit of skateboarding. Jamie used to skateboard loads when he was growing up but hadn't done it in a while and the first and last time I did it was last summer in Newquay. We soon got the hang of it and had so much fun skating down the pier and through the parks. Even though it was terribly windy we had a great day and Jamie got to show off doing some tricks.

A lot of people think that once you get to a certain age you have to start behaving like an adult and give up childhood hobbies, for example skateboarding, I disagree strongly with this view and believe that if you really love something you should continue to pursue it! Now go and grab your boards! :D

Thursday, 8 May 2014

The Future

The future and what it has in store excites but also scares me. The mystery and possibility of anything that could happen makes me eager to find out what life has in store for me but it also makes me fearful and makes me want to hide away and hibernate. It's coming up to a year now since I graduated from University and I feel quite lost and unsure of what I'm doing with my life. It just feels like everyone I know has a plan and goals for the future and they all have great jobs and career prospects and I feel like I have just wasted this year in a job that I don't really care about and could do without having a degree. The fact that the many jobs I have applied for didn't even respond, not even to say they had received my application is disheartening and demotivating, especially as I try really hard and spend days doing the applications. I have the best family, friends and boyfriend that anyone could wish for but even this cannot make up for the fact that I feel lost and wasting my life away.
Things that excite me about the future is not knowing what adventures I may go on or where I'll end up living etc. I have always said that I want to travel more and do some volunteer work and after researching some possibilities I have realised that it is something that I need to do before I settle down. Society seems to judge people  if they appear different from the rest and if they go against the norm, but what is normal anyways? I don't really want to be stuck in a job that I hate and worry about paying the bills for a house I don't particularly like in a place I don't want to be. Nobody forces people to do anything and yet so many people live unhappy, unfulfilled lives because they are afraid of deviating from the norm and scared of how they will be perceived.
I can't shake the feeling that there is something out there for me that I will feel passionate about and this makes me restless and makes me want to explore and find my calling. This part of the future really truly excites me and come September I hope to find what I am looking for. All I want is a simple life full of fun, love and adventure!

Friday, 2 May 2014


Last weekend we ventured to Harrogate for the day, I had only been once before so was quite excited about going again. We had a lovely wander around the shops and streets and grabbed a spot of lunch from Marks and Spencer and ate it outside whilst it was quite sunny. The best part of the day was definitely stumbling across a piece of graffiti that resembled the work of the famous artist Banksy. Obviously we don't know whether it is a Banksy piece or not, regardless it is a rather cool piece of graffiti and made a pretty cool photo op :)