Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Feeling 22

Yesterday I turned 22. 22!! This number makes me feel incredibly old and I woke up thinking how is this possible when I still feel 15 inside. The fact that I had spent Friday visiting some friends still at uni made me pine for my teenage years and a life lacking responsibility. This said, I did however have a lovely weekend and a rather wonderful birthday. After about 2 weeks straight in work I had a day off and ventured up to Lancaster to visit some friends and celebrate their end of term. The night was so much fun and I got to have a catch up with loads of people!

On Sunday me and Jamie went to the chill factore in Manchester to go skiing and snowboarding. I was excited and extremely nervous as I hadn't been skiing in over 6 years but I managed to go from the top of the slope and I didn't fall once. An achievement I am quite proud of. We then had a wander around the Trafford Centre and stopped for smoothies and krispy kreme doughnuts, but not chocolate ones as it is still lent :( Wahhhh. The evening was spent having huge portions of veggie chili and having a big family film night watching the hunger games two!

As Jamie had to leave ridiculously early on Monday morning I got to open my presents from him on Sunday evening before heading to sleep. He spoilt me again and he even baked me a birthday cake!

My birthday day was quite uneventful, a morning shift at work followed by opening some cards and mooching online before getting ready for the evening. I asked some friends to celebrate at Revs for food and cocktails, which when food is 50% off on Mondays and cocktails are 2-4-1 nobody could complain! The food and drinks were delicious and we stayed for the quiz and came a respectable 5th place!! 

I had a really great birthday!


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