Monday, 3 November 2014

Life Lately

Life has been a bit hectic lately, especially this past month, me and Jamie finally took the next step and moved in together. This meant that I had to move out of my family home, move across to Leeds and start job hunting. We have moved into a beautiful apartment just on the outskirts of the city center and so far it has been wonderful living together. However, my job searching has not been so wonderful! I have had countless application rejections and after numerous unsuccessful assessment days and interviews it's been quite hard to keep going but hopefully I will find something soon. As I haven't had much time to blog I thought that I would just share some snippets of what I have been up to this past month :)

Hanging out with my lovely Grandma Edie the week before I moved, she is the funniest person I have ever met and always makes me laugh.

Testing out our oven and baking some gooey chocolate brownies for Jamie. Sadly due to his work commitments he was unable to attend his graduation so obviously the next best thing was indulging in yummy chocolate treats.

Catching up with these lovelies and enjoy a girly night out in Liverpool for Hannah's 23rd Birthday.

My brother's pumpkin creation for this years Halloween celebrations.

One Saturday we got up ridiculously early to go to the local skate park before all of the children and teenagers got there. We hadn't been skateboarding for a while so it was really fun and I even managed to go down the ramps a few times without falling off. I'm slowly learning!

Moving to a new city has been exciting but also quite daunting. I love exploring and finding new places to visit and new restaurants, I just need to make some friends now!