Monday, 18 August 2014


I have recently got back from spending the past three weeks camping with my dad and cousin in Newquay. We had such a wonderful and relaxing holiday, I really didn't want to come home! Last year I tried surfing for the first time and I loved it so I decided to book another lesson this year. Once again I found myself enjoying every minute and managed to pick it up easily again. Obviously I fell off a few times but managed to catch a few waves to the shore which was really fun! If you have never been surfing before I would definitely recommend trying it, it's extremely fun and not as scary as it looks!

Friday, 1 August 2014

The Big Pink

Last week I dip dyed my hair using The Big Pink dye from Bleach London. I had heard a lot of good reviews about the products and decided to give it a go myself back in April and was pleased with the results. As I was going on holiday, I decided to use the rest of the bottle and was delighted that it worked better the second time around. My hair is light brown and so I was surprised that the colour was so bright when I washed the dye off. I have also bought the Bruised Violet and I Saw Red colours so I'm excited to try them out soon!