Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Busy weekend

This past weekend was a rather busy one! I booked some time off from work to enjoy a long weekend and to spend as much time as possible with Jamie before he headed off to America for a couple of weeks. As it was our two year anniversary weekend we decided to have a romantic evening on Friday and visited a lovely independent tapas restaurant in Leeds called Dos Amigos. The food was delicious and there was loads of choice for us vegetarians which got a huge thumbs up from me. We also tried the sangria which was equally delicious. Afterwards we headed home and watched the film 'Her'. We had wanted to see it when it was out in the cinemas back in February but never had the time but it was worth the wait! 
After a lazy Saturday morning we went strawberry picking. I had been patiently waiting for a couple of months for the strawberries to be ready to pick so when I saw the sign near the farm I was so excited! Picking them was so much fun and as they were fresh they were so tasty! When we had finished picking them we headed home and made lunch before travelling back to mine in Wigan. At night we went out with all of my work friends for a few drinks for my brother and another colleagues leaving party. It was a really good night and was great getting to see everyone outside of work.

On Sunday we got up early as I was taking part in my local race for life. I managed to run the majority of the 5km race, and only had to power walk for half a km whilst it was uphill and I was struggling. I'm really proud of myself for taking part as I had been saying for years that I was going too. I even managed to raise £100 which went straight to Cancer Research UK. Having lost my Mum and Grandad to cancer in the past 4 years I'm happy that I got to raise some money in their memory that could help others. 

On Monday we went for afternoon tea at a place called The Grapes in Croston. A few of my friends had been and it looked too good not to try ourselves! The presentation of the food is amazing, all placed on a miniature picnic bench! We got 5 savory and 6 sweet dishes, served with a milkshake and tea or coffee. It all tasted wonderful and I will most likely be visiting again!

I really didn't want the weekend to end as I had so much fun and it meant saying goodbye to Jamie for around 3 weeks!!