Wednesday, 30 January 2013

My adopted Hawksbill turtle

Look what arrived in the post this week! My adopted Hawksbill turtle from WWF! I've always been interested in helping the environment and after doing a module at university on conservation and the environment I just had to do something little to help and so I adopted a turtle! His name is Timothy. WWF have lots of projects worldwide conserving wildlife and habitats and I think that more people should help them, even if it isn't donating money, signing a petition that takes a minute of your time will contribute to helping on a project in the long run. It makes me quite sad and also angry at ignorant people who turn their back on the natural environment, take it for granted and abuse it. Would they have the same attitudes and behaviours if the situation was reversed and it was humans that needed the help?! Thousands of animals are in danger of becoming extinct in the wild due to human behaviour and there is an urgent need to safeguard their habitats. At the heart of the problem is the growing demand of natural resources and so forestry, energy production and poaching are all having a serious impact. Climate change is another contributing factor that may result in devastating consequences for the natural environment in the future. I know that my donation may seem quite small and feeble to some but every little bit of money that is donated goes towards a great cause. I graduate from university this July and everyone seems to have made plans for their futures but me.  It had been stressing me out a little bit but now I think that what I would really like to do is take a year off to do some more travelling and also volunteer abroad, in particular help out at a turtle conservation programme. For more information on what you can do to get involved in helping the WWF visit  

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Sunday stroll


Monday, 14 January 2013

Center Parcs

I've just got back from a relaxing girly weekend at Center Parcs! I had never been there before and it was so lovely! We had so much fun and relaxed a lot before one of the most important terms in uni starts. We enjoyed many walks in the forest and saw so many animals like red squirrels which were really cute and bunnies and ducks! We also went swimming in the snow, had a yummy meal out, got slightly tipsy off cocktails, had a relaxing evening in the twilight spa and last but not least got 14/30 in the pub quiz! The pies plus one... 

Wednesday, 9 January 2013


New shoes!

Last week whilst out shopping I did something very unlike me and actually purchased something without spending weeks maybe months deliberating whether I actually need the item like I usually do! I bought these beautiful flowery ankle boots which are so comfy and cute! They go with almost any outfit and add a bit of fun to it! Everyone who knows me will tell you I'm a sucker for anything flowery so I couldn't not buy them!

Monday, 7 January 2013

Easy Whole grain bread

Yesterday afternoon me and my boyfriend Jamie baked some whole grain bread from scratch! It was the first time I had ever baked any from scratch without using the bread maker and it turned out to be so easy and the end product was delicious! 


500g whole grain bread flour
7g sachet fast-action dried yeast
1tsp salt
300ml warm water
2tbsp olive oil
1tbsp clear honey


1. Mix flour, yeast and salt in a large bowl. Mix the water, oil and honey in another bowl. (we didn't have honey so used a tbsp of brown sugar) Make a well in the flour and pour in the water mixture and stir well to make a soft dough.
2. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 minutes until the dough is no longer sticky and has a springy texture.
3. Oil a loaf tin and place the dough into the tin. Cover in cling film and leave to rise somewhere warm for one hour until the dough has risen to the top of the tin.
4. Heat oven to 200C and slash the top of the loaf with a sharp knife. Bake for 30-35 minutes until the loaf is risen and golden brown. Tip onto a cooling rack. To test if the bread is cooked it should sound hollow when the base is tapped.

Everything Everything

Friday, 4 January 2013

Afternoon tea party

One of my best friends turns 21 on Monday so we threw her a surprise 21st afternoon tea party! We ate so much cake and shortbread and drank yummy strawberry tea! She was really surprised as she was only expecting to come and pick up her presents!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Christmas and New Year

This year I had a really lovely Christmas and New year. I got to spend it with my amazing family, friends and boyfriend and couldn't have asked for more! My Grandma also turned 80 on boxing day which was nice to celebrate! :) Here's to 2013!