Thursday, 29 November 2012


I recently bought tickets for me and my best friend Hannah to go and watch Bastille live next year. We are already so excited even though it is still quite a while off. We stumbled across this cover they did of What would you do by City High, it's amazing! :)

Wednesday, 28 November 2012


I absolutely love Nirvana! If only Kurt Cobain were alive today, the things I would do to him!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


The weather outside is so terrible at the moment, cold, wet and miserable! I now understand why animals get fat and hibernate during the winter months. It's such a struggle to get up everyday and treck to my lectures or library, even though I live on campus and it only takes less than five minutues! It could be much worse though, I could live off campus and have to get the bus like last year! To my friends, if I don't see you for a while it's because I'm snug in bed with a brew and a good book! 

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Saint Augustine

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” ~Saint Augustine 

I think that everyone should go on an adventure at least once in their lifetime! :)

Monday, 19 November 2012

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

A lovely weekend

This last weekend was really lovely! I went home from uni to see my cousins, one who had just turned 18 and the other had just returned from a holiday in Australia! It was really nice hearing all of his stories from his travels, I NEED to go travelling there asap! I then ventured over to Leeds to visit my boyfriend for the rest of the weekend. In the morning I baked some yummy shortbread biscuits and then headed off for my train. We had a chilled weekend watching films, going for a lovely stroll and we went bowling! On the Monday evening we went to revs for tea and then to watch Frank Turner play at the o2 academy, he was amazing! Such a good gig, and because we were on the balcony I actually got to see the whole thing rather than get squashed and pushed around which was a nice change! I got to meet up with one of my best friends Claire too who's at uni in Leeds, we had a wander around the German Christmas markets which has really got me looking forward to Christmas now :)

Thursday, 8 November 2012


                              Dressed up as geeks for my friends 21st birthday :)

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Into the wild

If you have never seen this film before what have you been doing with your life?! It is amazing! I watched it about 2 years ago after a friend recommended it and this summer I read the book which was also incredible. It is based on a true story about a man who gives up all of his wordly possessions and sets of on an adventure travelling America, basically as a tramp, meeting weird and wonderful people on the way until he reaches his final destination of Alaska. It is quite an emotional story but one that I think many can relate to as he shows that you don't actually need material possessions in your life such as money or a nice car etc to make you happy. Watch it and enjoy! :)

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Twin Atlantic

For part of my best friends birthday present I got her tickets to go and watch Twin Atlantic. We had been to see them around this time last year and seeing as they're one of our favourite bands we were due another trip to one of their gigs. As usual it rained, and I mean poured it down, which is nothing new for going to a gig in Manchester so to keep from the wet and cold we went to costa coffee and tried the Christmas drinks. We had Crème brûlée lattes and honeycomb hot chocolate, so so yummy! Supporting them were Dead Sara who we had never heard of but were quite good and Charlie Simpson. As Twin Atlantic came on we got pushed really close to the front and got a lovely view of Sam McTrusty :P We took my little cousin with us (I say little, she's nearly 18!) and I had to hold on to her throughout the gig so we didn't lose each other. As various mosh pits formed around us it became apparent that we'd have to join in and have a little mosh which was fun, apart from when an extremely sweaty guy literally wiped his sweaty back on my face! How cheeky! Afterwards we had to sprint along Oxford Road to get our train back home, we only just made it! It was such a good night and definitely one of the best gigs I've been to this year! :) 

Thursday, 1 November 2012


I absolutely love Halloween! Getting dressed up in a scary costume and freaking people out is fun! It's also my best friends birthday on Halloween so we always get to have some sort of party. This year was extra special as it was her 21st so of course we had a massive party to celebrate and then went out in town. The night was so much fun although I have been nursing a horrific hangover for the majority of today. Was totally worth it though :)